Powerful and relentless, when you're hooked up you must bow to the Silver King. The Species Sandal pays homage to the humble tarpon with custom colorization that matches that of this coastal creature, while custom "jumping tarpon" insignia will inspire your need to hit the water.

Name a more popular gamefish species in the world than the largemouth bass... we'll wait. The Species Sandal pays homage to the hometown favorite bucketmouth with custom colorization that matches that of your favorite green-hued bass, while custom "G-Bass" insignia will inspire your need to hit the water.

With their unmatched beauty and tendencies to put up quite the fight, it's no wonder the brown trout is one of our favorite targets on the fly. The Species Sandal pays homage to this fan-favorite river dweller with custom colorization that matches that of the brown-hued trout, while custom "G-Trout" insignia will inspire your need to hit the water.
This one goes out to one of our favorite coastal gamefish: the mighty redfish. The Species Sandal pays homage to this inshore powerhouse with custom colorization that matches that of your favorite red-hued drum, while custom "tailing redfish" insignia will inspire your need to hit the water.